About Adaptall-2.com This web site provides information about vintage Tamron manual focus T mount, Adapt-A-Matic, Adaptall, F-system, Adaptall-2 and SP Adaptall-2 lenses. Currently this web site primarily focuses on Tamron SP and Adaptall-2 lenses which were introduced from 1979 to 1989 but also includes a wealth of additional information and links to other related and interesting web sites. In a compulsive fit of nostalgia, we have tried to present this Web site in a fashion which is reminiscent of Tamron's catalogs from the early to middle 1980s, and have tried to use themes and colors which are similar to the engraved colored markings found on vintage Adaptall-2 and SP lenses. This web site is relatively new and will be expanded in the future to include additional out-of-production Tamron products. Adaptall-2.com is not affiliated with Tamron Co., Ltd. or with any of its subsidiary companies. Tamron Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries neither endorse, control, nor claim any responsibility for the content and accuracy of this Web site. Why did we chose Adaptall-2.com as our domain name versus something else such as VintageTamron.com? Quite simply because "Adaptall-2" is a very popular search term on the various Internet search engines and since it is easy to remember. Web Site Goals Our goal is to eventually make Adaptall-2.com your one-stop source for information regarding virtually every Tamron product which is out of production. At present, we are working hard to add quite a bit of additional information which we have accumulated over the few months. We have recently added test reports for several Adaptall-2 as well as a few SP lenses. We hope you enjoy this web site! Notes About Test Reports We tend to only post test reports as produced by Modern Photography for several reasons:
Help Us! Help us by adding valuable information to this web site! We desperately seek individual lens reviews and test charts, lens catalogs and individual lens brochures. We also seek high quality photos of Adapt-A-Matic and Adaptall lenses and mounts. If you have either a Modern Photography or Popular Photography review for any of the lenses shown within this Web site for which we do not show test charts, would you kindly scan the review and test charts and email your scans to us so that your test charts can be added for the appropriate lens or lenses? Simply scan your reviews in 300 dpi B&W or greyscale and save the scans as jpeg images with 5% compression or 95% image quality. Our email box (shown below) is pretty much unlimited as to how much data is emailed to it. Likewise, our call goes out for various vintage Tamron lens catalogs and individual lens brochures. Please simply scan your catalogs or brochures in 300 dpi color and save the scans as jpeg images with 5% compression or 95% image quality. Don't worry about adjusting or tweaking the quality of your scans since will do that when we process your scans. Do you have any Tamron lenses with the older Adapt-A-Matic or Adaptall mounts? Photos of your lenses and mounts would be most appreciated. Have a look at our photos for the SP and Adaptall-2 lenses to see what we would like your photos to look like. As far as photos of your mounts are concerned, we would appreciate photos of both the front and back sides of the mounts, with the mount set on a piece of white paper. Please don't crop in too tightly around the mount since a reasonable amount of white border makes it easier to enhance and resize your photos. You can simply email us your photos as retrieved from your digital camera, and we will do the rest. In other words, pretty much anything Tamron related which you wish to email us might be very useful and worth including here within this web site. If you so desire, credit for your efforts and submissions will be noted, although we normally only list a person's first name, last initial and state or country. This is for security reasons to protect you from readily being identified as a camera collector who might have many valuable items at your residence. Our email address for test charts, lens reviews and photos is: